Well, I don't know where to post it for sure, but I guess this is the best forum. It is a blog written mostly in Euro French slang (harder to have it translated online, if you don't speak French) by ladies chatting about their toilet habits. Most of them talk about to sit down or not, the turkish toilets and going in the wilderness.
I am fluent in French and the translation was not an issue.
Here's the first (Helene's) post translated by Babelfish and reviewed by myself.
I strongly believe to be one of the rare girls to sit down on the toilet seat a little everywhere. I don't care wherever I am, if I need to go, I sit down. I hate to remain half upright/ half squatted holding my shaking thighs under the effort, standing the wall with a hand while the second tries to cut a bit of paper and that the third one (!) holds my bag suspended above that doubtful floor. Also, I am not the only one obsessed by the hygiene and the diseases. To the best of my knowledge I think about it two seconds, but it doesn't matter much to me. If it is fairly clean, I give it a good wipe with TP and here's we go! I never caught anything and I strongly intend to continue to not bother myself, but for the seat maniacs I saw in Biba (a femine magazine?) June issue a small anti-bacterial spray to use on this kind of place: is that called Public locations, it is made by Papa Tango and it costs 3,50 Euro in pharmacy. In India I also sit down on the bowl. When I am struck with a turkish toilet, which is not so frequent, but still too much widespread for my mind. I hate them: it is required to stand each foot the most far you can from the operation center, then to roll up its trousers to the knees (all while maintaining its hand bag above the water level, that's a no-brainer), to avoid a humiliating accident. In this precarious balance I am often scared to fall into the hole, pulled by the weight of my buttocks. When there are handles on the wall, I stud myself there firmly, always of only one hand, the other being contracted on my clothing to avoid to them trailing inconveniently in the puddle pools (muddy, most of the time). In nature, it is the same trick, the jet is not very directional and at least that the ground is dry (the wetter the ground is the less it absorbs) and flat (to manage the flow far from the shoes), there is always a risk to pee on our feet. Particularly nice when someone is wearing "tongs". I excluded the fact there are always thistles at the place where we end up to squat down or a campground we didn't saw to watch that beautiful spectacle. For that reason I don't like much the cookouts, as a genuine girl I wee a lot and I need a minimum intimacy and comfort. Besides I have a theory on the fact that girls, as the average man said, "wee all the time": "Compared to the guys, we have a very small bladder, and you know why? Because at this place we have other stuff, such as a uterus. After they laugh that we cannot hold ourselves: "No, dude, that's because we're built on another frame."
Thanks. By the way, I forgot to write that I almost lost my two arms. Somewhere down the thread, some chicks wrote they're affraid to kill bugs by flooding the dirt in the outdoors.