Hey everyone this is an unusual first post, but hopefully some links to follow soon. Wogga's links tend to be nothing short of amazing, as do many other people's who contribute to this board. Can't we just sort all this out? If you can use a link and not complain about the contents then fine, but it isn't fair that some people just take what they get here for granted and complain when they don't like it. If you don't like the content, don't look at it, but don't complain to the posters who work so hard keeping this board alive, or you'll just drive them away. And for those who post so much so often, especially wogga, i for one appreciate it immensely, and i would take my hat off to you all if i was wearing one
p.s. Wogga, i can see the video you posted half the link to, i just filled in the rest of the html...

The video is amazing, i think you should let people see it, or maybe pm the people you think deserve to, but seriously, keep up the good work. I'm not going to post the link because it's wogga's choice whether he lets people see it or not and how he handles people who complain, so i'm not going to stab him in the back, so to speak.
Peace out