Well okay, I take your point BUT if she HAD, I would give a months salary to suck her brushed cotton gusset.......whatever that is.....
I get a bit of the old wacky weed down and a glass of French Chardonny and I become a complete and utter pervert.....
No wonder Kizzie wants to come to Japan..........
Actually from what i remember of Japan you can probably buy her knickers for a lot less than a months salary! And I'm sure i read an article somewhere about a vending machine that dispensed vacuum packed used knickers!
I'm with you with the weed and the chardonnay by the way!
If you ain't living on the edge you're taking up too much space!
Certainly a novel labour saving method for housemaids to clean windows.
Wogga, you may not be so keen on sucking her gusset when you discover that she only took them off because she took a dump in them.
And I've been to Japan twice. Second trip, on the underground an ageing sarariman slipped his hand up my skirt (do guys giving up their seats for women - sod off do they!) and wiggled his fingers pusswards. I might have been turned on if the guy hadn't been about 5' 2", knocking sixty, goofy, and been reading a porno manga comic.
Yes I know the rules - a girl is supposed to take it to avoid the guy losing face - but I gave him a mouthful in my best (i.e. shite) Japanese. Not an eyebrow flickered on the train, and the atmosphere afterwards was like I had been the offending party. To them I guess I was - a gaijin female in their country - and not playing tha game.
So, to cut a long story short, I determined I would only return to Japan when no one in the UK wanted to fiddle with my loose change any more!