Few days on holiday in August, then work again in September. That is all. I was thinking in myself what to do, to carry on this whole posting thing or to stop it as it was and to do something else. Still do not decided.
When I look back about the lifecycle of this thread I found that there are always again and again the same people saying thanks to the poster. This is a merit for these people to say at least a thank. But the rest of the 200.000 clicks say nothing. Stay and behave indifferent way. It does not matter the quality and genuine nature of the content posted, just to see anything of pee content. This is not my style.
I do not have any cent as benefit or profit out of my postings, these were as gestures to the community and to encourage people to do the same as amateur photograper to show it to the others to prove themselves their capability of making pee photos an to make a content freely according to their own will. No result however, but it does not really matter. I accept we are not the same for there are differences even between people sharing same community.
Here is something special for you. Find all the 35 differences on the images ... _618lo.jpg
Few days on holiday in August, then work again in September. That is all. I was thinking in myself what to do, to carry on this whole posting thing or to stop it as it was and to do something else. Still do not decided.
When I look back about the lifecycle of this thread I found that there are always again and again the same people saying thanks to the poster. This is a merit for these people to say at least a thank. But the rest of the 200.000 clicks say nothing. Stay and behave indifferent way. It does not matter the quality and genuine nature of the content posted, just to see anything of pee content. This is not my style.
I do not have any cent as benefit or profit out of my postings, these were as gestures to the community and to encourage people to do the same as amateur photograper to show it to the others to prove themselves their capability of making pee photos an to make a content freely according to their own will. No result however, but it does not really matter. I accept we are not the same for there are differences even between people sharing same community.
Here is something special for you. Find all the 35 differences on the images ... _618lo.jpg
Thanks for the last post Reflektor. Still searching....
I totally agree with you. So many people just looking any just a few posting.
So: Hello you Hobby-Photographers out there, post some of your Pictures too!
I totally agree with you. So many people just looking any just a few posting.
So: Hello you Hobby-Photographers out there, post some of your Pictures too!
Need to find time to figure out how my camera works, then find a model. Nihil desperandum.
As for the differences, starting top left
1) Vertical railings at back in L but not R.
2) Horizontal railing in L but not R.
3) Cyan graffiti has moved.
4) A mysterious tap appears in R.
As Bruce Forsyth (a British game show host) used to say, "Great game, great game"!
As for the differences, starting top left
1) Vertical railings at back in L but not R.
2) Horizontal railing in L but not R.
3) Cyan graffiti has moved.
4) A mysterious tap appears in R.
As Bruce Forsyth (a British game show host) used to say, "Great game, great game"!
- Good Poster
- Posts: 3494
- Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 9:53 am
- Location: Florida, USA

As far as replies/thanks to your, or anyone else's, posts. There are several reasons beyond the obvious ones.
First, as I am writing this, there are 94 viewers. Two are registered and 92 are not.
This is common most of the time I log on. These 92 could just be visitors, or members who didn't log on.
This would preclude them from commenting on anything, even if they wanted to.
In other words, using mathematics indicates that the percentage of comments generated by your posts
is actually quite good.
As for more members not taking more photographs. First of all, you are setting the standards quite high,
partly by your availability of quality and I assume, reasonable models. Also, you have an excellent mastery
of photography. You also have the time to pursue your hobby/interest, time that many of us wish for and few of us have.
I used to be an avid amateur photographer myself. I was a hell of a lot younger, unmarried, had more free time
and no other hobbies aside from that. I lived pretty much all over the world and photographed everything I saw,
including cheesecake shots of the ladies I met. I usually build a darkroom and developed and processed everything
myself. Used to buy 35mm film in 100' rolls and cut it to camera lengths. Even used large format cameras and learned
how to coat glass panes to produce negatives. Have over 300 various cameras in my collection.
To make a long story short, I am much older now. I have many more hobbies now, several quite expensive and damn
little time to enjoy most of them. I have my own business, where I travel a lot across the U.S. and any really free time
I have now I am too tired to do anything except to enjoy an ice cold beer or gin & tonic.
When I was in places like South East Asia, I probably had a lot of "models" available to me, but my interest went to "other"

I really enjoy looking at your shots and marvel at the models you have available. I enjoy at how you use your surrounding area to make your pictures tell a story. Perhaps I see myself in your shoes and wonder what I'd be doing now had I gone in your direction.
I think photography is an art form that primarely must fullfill a selfneed. If you are fortunate enough that you have others
who can appreciate what you do, that is a blessing. Getting satisfaction or appreciation from others, is a rarity.
In my life I only had two photographs published. The first one was a black and white. An old gnarled tree growing precariously out of the face of a cliff with immense thunderstorm clouds in the background. I spent almost half a day getting the effect I was looking for, experimenting with various filters. I submitted it to a local library for a contest. Didn't even place, but it was the only one the library asked for to keep on their permanent display. I used to visit once in a while to look at it and discovered it didn't even have my name displayed as credit. The librarian did tell me that they had a lot of positive comments though. One day, however, I walked in to do some research. I noticed a lady in her mid thirties sitting in front of my picture, just staring at it. About an hour later, we sort of got up at the same time. As I passed her, we made eye contact and I saw tears running down her face and a pained expression. She noticed the questioning glance in my face and she explained that she came by once a week to look at that tree, to admire its strengh and desire to live and survive in such a hostile environment. I made some inane comment, thanked her and left. Never telling her that the picture was mine.
Yet, many years later, I still see her face and appreciate her emotion. I don't think that whatever I could do now, would ever give me the satisfaction I had when I drove home from there. I also never went back to that library.
Whether you post again or not, is entirely your decision. To believe that your efforts are not appreciated, however, is absolutely wrong.
As for the second picture I published, that is a different story for some other time.
Now, my gin & tonic calls.

"To Pee or Not to Pee".
Was THAT the question?
Was THAT the question?
We missed you
[b][color=red]Come on you lurkers, acknowledge that this is the all time great posts you have seen and will see for a long time. We missed you reflektor - we missed not just your pictures but the intimate stories behind the posts. That's what makes you a GREAT. We look forward to your posts and wish all power to your hands!![/color][/b][size=18][/size]
These days because of work I find little time to look in. When I do 99.9% of the time I do say at least thank you. All I can say to you is ...Please do not stop posting just because so few take the time to say "Thank You"
The QUALITY of your Photos as well as the information you have provided when asked a question..Is is...Just Wonderful!!!!
These days because of work I find little time to look in. When I do 99.9% of the time I do say at least thank you. All I can say to you is ...Please do not stop posting just because so few take the time to say "Thank You"
The QUALITY of your Photos as well as the information you have provided when asked a question..Is is...Just Wonderful!!!!
I spend much of my time in SE Asia, and the girls I have photographed have asked that I not publish their pictures on the internet. For amateur photographers there are no model releases etc., and we are taking a risk.
That being said I also have appreciated the pics on this thread. Thanks for your efforts.
That being said I also have appreciated the pics on this thread. Thanks for your efforts.
- Member
- Posts: 38
- Joined: Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:23 am
First of all, I am very glad you are back reflektor! 
Of course, it's up to you to decide, but I do hope to have a chance to read and to look
at your unique posts over and over!
To put it mildly, I am sure I'm not alone. And as to the reasons that can hinder anyone
from more answers or taking own photographs (and maybe excuse them), I'd dare to
draw your attention to some of the above posts and especially to the 'narrative poetry'
of MANNEKEPIS. It's hard to say better (I hope he posts more in spite of the
gin & tonic
However, proceeding to your photo masterpiece with differences...
Well, the most important difference made again is gorgeous Kathy herself
Then, around Kathy go: yabloka's finds, 1,2-railings on the left (horizontal hidden
in foliage, additional vertical), 3-paint strokes on the vertical railing on the right, 4-sky-blue
graffiti on the near wall, 4-blue graffiti on the remote wall, 5-"mysterious tap",
Juffin's 6-mouse and 7-nautilus, then 8-helix relief on step, 9-lizard, 10-a birdie with
impressive wingspan (some of Diomedeidae I guess), 11-top of a tree, 12-some forest creature
or spirit (I think a good one), 13- cactuses in the right corner, 14-and absense of a white thing,
maybe cigarette, in the right corner near the cactuses, 15-yellow flower, 16-cigarette butt,
17-matchbox, 18-brickwork in the step, 19-stone fragment behind Kathy's left shoulder,
on Kathy: 20-hairpin, 21-hair locks in the middle, 22-some unnecessary manipulation
her left breast, 23-bracelet on her left arm, 24-tattoo on her right shoulder, 25-tattoo on her
left ankle, 26-white featherlike right earring, 27-panties' design, 28-little finger of her left hand,
29-bow on her dress, 30-well, hairstyle below the bow, 31-lack of the shadow on dress below the
hairstyle, 32-buckle on the right sandal, 33-string of the left sandal, 34-colour of her little toe
nail, 35-shadow under the left sandal!
With gratitude for your unique work,

Of course, it's up to you to decide, but I do hope to have a chance to read and to look
at your unique posts over and over!

To put it mildly, I am sure I'm not alone. And as to the reasons that can hinder anyone
from more answers or taking own photographs (and maybe excuse them), I'd dare to
draw your attention to some of the above posts and especially to the 'narrative poetry'
of MANNEKEPIS. It's hard to say better (I hope he posts more in spite of the
gin & tonic

However, proceeding to your photo masterpiece with differences...
Well, the most important difference made again is gorgeous Kathy herself

Then, around Kathy go: yabloka's finds, 1,2-railings on the left (horizontal hidden
in foliage, additional vertical), 3-paint strokes on the vertical railing on the right, 4-sky-blue
graffiti on the near wall, 4-blue graffiti on the remote wall, 5-"mysterious tap",
Juffin's 6-mouse and 7-nautilus, then 8-helix relief on step, 9-lizard, 10-a birdie with
impressive wingspan (some of Diomedeidae I guess), 11-top of a tree, 12-some forest creature
or spirit (I think a good one), 13- cactuses in the right corner, 14-and absense of a white thing,
maybe cigarette, in the right corner near the cactuses, 15-yellow flower, 16-cigarette butt,
17-matchbox, 18-brickwork in the step, 19-stone fragment behind Kathy's left shoulder,
on Kathy: 20-hairpin, 21-hair locks in the middle, 22-some unnecessary manipulation

her left breast, 23-bracelet on her left arm, 24-tattoo on her right shoulder, 25-tattoo on her
left ankle, 26-white featherlike right earring, 27-panties' design, 28-little finger of her left hand,
29-bow on her dress, 30-well, hairstyle below the bow, 31-lack of the shadow on dress below the
hairstyle, 32-buckle on the right sandal, 33-string of the left sandal, 34-colour of her little toe
nail, 35-shadow under the left sandal!

With gratitude for your unique work,
Last edited by jet-eclair on Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hi There All of You reading my post and answering to me!
I read all your words carefully. I noted your remarks and some of your thoughs I keep aside and reserve in my mind.
I understand it is not so easy to find pissing models, but some advises:
* many girls are willing to undertake doing even extreme things, also without money, just for the sake of sex and axhibitionism. they fuck and suck in public discos, clubs.
* many girls lack money to use it freely they want, to replace cellular phone, to by new shoes or to finance entertainment
* you make photos keeping local laws ( mostly +18 y.o. models can be photographed ) so the closer is the model to +18 the more is she willing to pose for you.
* girls wearing a lot of silver gadgets on their fingers and arms 8 rings, bracelets ) are more easy to convince.
* this is true true if a girl has a piercing in mouth or tounge. most of them will do practically everything. And you can be sure about it by merely looking at these girls and you should not be shy to ask for. It does not cost anything.
( I hope with my above past experiences of many years I do not offend any nice girls/ladys/models who think and behave differently )
The photos I made not long ago I publish now the way I promissed to the +18 model and do not show her pretty face. Just the action and nice tits. I hope this is also expressive. ... _703lo.jpg ... _458lo.jpg ... _451lo.jpg ... _677lo.jpg ... _825lo.jpg ... 1128lo.jpg ... _841lo.jpg ... 1183lo.jpg ... _163lo.jpg ... _821lo.jpg ... 1175lo.jpg
I read all your words carefully. I noted your remarks and some of your thoughs I keep aside and reserve in my mind.
I understand it is not so easy to find pissing models, but some advises:
* many girls are willing to undertake doing even extreme things, also without money, just for the sake of sex and axhibitionism. they fuck and suck in public discos, clubs.
* many girls lack money to use it freely they want, to replace cellular phone, to by new shoes or to finance entertainment
* you make photos keeping local laws ( mostly +18 y.o. models can be photographed ) so the closer is the model to +18 the more is she willing to pose for you.
* girls wearing a lot of silver gadgets on their fingers and arms 8 rings, bracelets ) are more easy to convince.
* this is true true if a girl has a piercing in mouth or tounge. most of them will do practically everything. And you can be sure about it by merely looking at these girls and you should not be shy to ask for. It does not cost anything.
( I hope with my above past experiences of many years I do not offend any nice girls/ladys/models who think and behave differently )
The photos I made not long ago I publish now the way I promissed to the +18 model and do not show her pretty face. Just the action and nice tits. I hope this is also expressive. ... _703lo.jpg ... _458lo.jpg ... _451lo.jpg ... _677lo.jpg ... _825lo.jpg ... 1128lo.jpg ... _841lo.jpg ... 1183lo.jpg ... _163lo.jpg ... _821lo.jpg ... 1175lo.jpg