You will find what “we” are looking for almost on every page and they are of exceptional quality. She is also having fun with food and beverages and you must really just try a page or the full 64 and I think you will enjoy her humor as well as her adventures. Of course those of you, who understand French, will enjoy it even more then I can.
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For those of you who want to jump to pages that guarantee what we are here for…this is a quick but incomplete listing. (page numbers will be found at the top and bottom of each forum page.)
Do look at page #2 & 5 and do NOT miss page 7 and page 12 & 13 & 14 & 15 (15 with a unique photoshop and 16 & 18 & 22 & 23 & 24 & 25 & 27 and 29 & page 30.
On page # 31 she opens up for you a few may be offended by page 33 & 38 & 40 & 41 where she opens for you again and the flowers and 42 & 43 & 44 & 46 & 48 & 49 & 54 & 60 and well there are 64 pages, and I ran out of time to catch all the numbers with accuracy, yet there clearly will be even more!!!
Towards the end she can be seen kissing a friend and well…..Please just enjoy and a special thank you goes to watchr12’s posts that are among my favs on this forum!!!!!