I just thought of that Big Brother in different countries should have some pee -episodes. I know Swedish Big Brother do! And I read this headline regading Uk: "Loo breaks top priority on finale night" - aparently all had to releave themselves around the house!
I found this picture from the UK show - Does anyone have pictures or movies from their countries shows?
I don't watch reality tv shows, but I heard some woman from Vermont peed on some dude's hand to get it cleaned. I think that it was in Survivor I or II... Never got the chance to see it, only heard it from mouth to mouth...
On a French Canadian show, a girl claimed the producers and his friends were watching the girls taking their showers, on the pottie and whatever. It never went beyond that point from what I heard, then that producer, Guy Cloutier, was in jail for about two for having abused its "Banned Word" stars in the 80's.
Another well-known french canadian radio announcer, Robert Gillet, has brought WS in the mainstream news after being arrested as a customer of a prostution network. At his trial, he said in courtroom that it was a WS fan. The issue is that it was making it with "Banned Word" teens. No go there for me. At least, it brought that fun to watch the straight tv reporters trying to explain what were the WS and if it was considered as sex in the law.
There's rumors about Garbage's lead singer, Shirley Manson. She supposed to have said in a magazine that she's like a guy not affraid of some pee, shit or menstrual blood, then the song "When I grow up" has that lyrics: Happy hour, Golden Showers...
Actually, on the subject of Shirley Mason from Garbage I remember reading an article in a music magazine years and years ago saying something to the effect of " I want a guy whose not afraid to let me piss in his bellybutton"!