i do this post 2times. but the first was an edit, so the most of you did open it before.(btw the way: my kinda english, i have learned from comics. dont go mad on it)
thats why i`ve dicided 2 open a new topic.
here it is: hxxp://www.imagefap.com/gallery.php?gid=121240
No need to apoligize for your English and xx is often use here, and please ignore the other messages I added re a link to read from Fatso.
If you can understand my English (which is not very good) if you want to avoid the xx do this.
When you click "new post" look just under the subject line...the 5th box from the left edge of the subject line...says Cut/Paste
When you click it, it will put the code in, to make your links Cut & Paste.
If my English does not make any sense, just send me a PM and I may be able to tell you in your native language (bless bable fish)