Very convenient bus stop 7MB
Very convenient bus stop 7MB
http://www/[Link Removed See Announcement]
seems to be redirecting to yahoo?

replace / with .
[url=http://www.[Link Removed See Announcement]]http://www.[Link Removed See Announcement][/url]

replace / with .
[url=http://www.[Link Removed See Announcement]]http://www.[Link Removed See Announcement][/url]

downloading now
thx to everyone for recent posts but most hosts seem to have download limits, daily or MB, so it is impossible to keep up and then many are dead.
townie and night and others, how about one upload every 3 days? then we can keep up with your great stuff. i've missed loads due to sheer number of your uploads which breaks my heart as the ones i've got are so good
anyone else second this/having same problem?
thx to everyone for recent posts but most hosts seem to have download limits, daily or MB, so it is impossible to keep up and then many are dead.
townie and night and others, how about one upload every 3 days? then we can keep up with your great stuff. i've missed loads due to sheer number of your uploads which breaks my heart as the ones i've got are so good
anyone else second this/having same problem?
whereof we cannot speak, therof we must piss over in silence - ludwig wittgenstein
Waste of space
Is it only me that gets the Sorry, you have exceeded the daily download limit (3GB). Please try again tomorrow. whenever they access Sendspace?
I get this message despite never having managed one download from them let alone having exceeded any limit?
I get this message despite never having managed one download from them let alone having exceeded any limit?