For the benifit of all the members that had trouble with my last post, I have upped it again on Easy-share. The reason that I left Easy-shre in the first place was because of all the complaints about it. I refer you to all the posts in 'Pee Chat' about 'not so easy-share). After taking the time to find another host, I find I can no longer use Badongo because they have issues with our posts.
So as not to disapoint the members who are following this series, I posted part 5 on two different hosts (and I have sent it directly to some members that asked me nicely). With my connection it takes 80 minutes to up 27MB, so this was a large commitment on my pc time. Even after the double post there are those amoung you who are still having trouble, and would you believe, that I get PM's about it that are very close to being abusive. It it wasn't for the fact that there are far more members who are polite and helpful, I would have abandoned this and future series.
I have decided that I will go back to Easy-share, because that seems to be the preference and if it doesn't work for you I'm sorry but that's not my fault.
I am just trying to share some clips.
Champagne Picnic Part 5
Champagne Picnic Part 5 REPOST
I'd love an Australian kiss. It's just like a French kiss but delivered down under.