Hi! wogga, Listen! you can call me an arsehole or whatever you like but I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate your contributions and how I always look forward to your next post. I'm just the type of person that believe's all should have access to your most delightful wet clips. Sure, I've been guilty of not contributing as of lately but there was a time that I had contributed under various names at various forums and contributed plenty from music to porn or on occasion my help if need be. I don't mind explaining why I've neglected to post and will do so on my behalf. While I was contributing, I was off of work with a work related injury and I had all the time in the world to look for material to post for others enjoyment. But now that I'm back to work I have little time to surf the net and take part as I once did. I'm a father, a husband and a 10 hr. a day working man two of those hours are traveling time. So as you can see I've been busy. I guess what I'm trying to say is that "I apologize" and keep up the good work. "Flowbie"