I was in the local boozer the other night and my mate was complaining saying the beer tasted like piss.I said to him"how do you know it actually tastes like piss?"He sort of looked at me wondering why i was quizzing his intended throw away comment.But i thought ill push him on this one,so i said "Come on,how can you say that?Do you know what urine actually does taste like?Can you categorically state that you have drank urine before and that this does taste like piss?"
Of course he got mardy at that and stormed out the pub saying i was a fucking perv for suggesting he would drink urine.
Anyway,fuck it,i was able to finish his drink getting a near full free pint.And you know what?he was right it did taste like piss and bloody nice it was too!
Hello Nigthmare1957,
Well now I know where you are from..... in particular England and especially Yorkshire.
Am I right? Mardy is a Yorkshire expression.
Ten years in Japan and you never forget...
Hi wolfgang,
You've excelled yourself. I saw the second pic and I had to brace myself for the last one before I syphoned the old python. My local pub in japan isn't like that....
Hi wood,
It's nice to hear from another tyke.
Japan is much the same...... local dialect is difficult.
Mardy arse......I'm still chuckling.......
NOW... my Japanese wife understands and she can use the dialect.
Wogga your wrong im not from yorkshire.However i did spend 3 years there as a student many years ago so maybe i picked up"mardy" then without realising it.So where am i from?Heres a clue....
Listen our kid,dunt yow say oim from yorkshire when i aint!Oi think this is a bostin site and oi loik seeiin these birds avin a wazz!What do they drink to fill their bladder anyway?Ansells moild or M & B?Cos they aint got no cowin bovril round here!